This week I finished up a project that I have been thinking about since I started the model boat.
I wanted to make a shelf/display case to show off the boat and whatever other junk I felt like displaying. Since I have no woodworking tools I thought it would be interesting to make a frame out of copper pipe and copper fittings with shelves made from simple cuts of lumber.
The plan went through several concepts ranging from a simple single shelf to having a waterfall flowing behind but I settled on this one due to it being a happy medium when cost and time were considered.
It still took a decent amount of time to construct though since I decided that I wanted the industrial look of having each connection soldered instead of using a copper epoxy. I spent probably 12 hours in the shop soldering every one of the 70+ fittings, which is over 200 connections as well as cutting wood and staining. I'm not sure how many hours were spent designing, measuring, and pipe cutting but it definitely added up.
For now I think I'm going to leave it but later additions might include plexiglass surrounding the boat, and LED lights shining on it.
The bases at the bottom are going to be filled with rocks and perhaps a few cactus plants to give it some more ballast.
I bought a few kits of RGB LED light strips from and installed one of them. The lights come in 16.4 foot long strips that you can trim and link as needed. The LEDs on them are RGB and come with a remote so that you can mix the colour values to suit your mood.
We also finally went to the river and gathered rocks to fill the bases of the shelf. It looks so much more complete with them filled in.

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- 4016 reads
Anonymous - You would have R2D2 driving
January 21 2013
Blair - Of course. Why wouldn't I?
January 21 2013